
I want to eat Ice Cream Sandwich XD

Ice Cream sandwich is basically... a sandwich. made of some layer of waffles and with the ice cream being sandwiched between the layers. it comes in many forms and types and brand. Nestle offers many varieties of Ice Cream sandwich, most commonly one is the Vanilla Sandwich.

I don't really like vanilla because sometimes the flavor could get too overwhelming for me and i usually would get bad reaction from eating vanilla ice cream (headaches and dizziness.. not sure why though. am i allergic to vanilla????). But, we can also make our own Ice Cream Sandwich at home. it's very easy, just take any kinds of waffle layers that you like, even Oreo is good, and then just scoop some of your favorite ice cream on one of the layer and squish it in the middle with the other layer. Vwallah! you have yourself an ice cream sandwich! XD

tadaaaaa~~~ looks good doesn't it?? well, go make some if you want it!


Yup. Such food do exist and is very popular in Korea. it's basically just like an ordinary coned ice cream but the trick that makes this type of cone ice cream special is.... the ice cream is a foot long!!!

from one of the blog that i read (the images i also got it from the same blog mentioned: [Photos: Cynthia Drescher/Jaunted]) you will definitely find at least one of the many ice cream stand "in the alleys of the Myeungdong neighborhood of Seoul, after dark" . it cost around 2000 KRW, which is roughly around... $1.80 in our currency? yeah. well, personally, if i ever get the chance to visit korea, i will definitely try this one out. 

Mr. Softy!

who doesn't love mr.softy? you can see them passing by on the road and you can already feel and imagine the taste and feel of those creamy treats. In Brunei, the ice cream truck is truly a sight for sore eyes especially on one of those hot sunny day.

 Not just in Brunei, around the world, Mr.Softy or Mr.Softee has become one of the common ice cream sellers.

Mr.Softee Ice Cream truck in New York

Mister Softee Ice Cream truck in Hong Kong

There are many varieties of ice cream available for mr.softy in other countries, so customers are free to pick any flavor they like, or to experiment with the flavors.

and of course, with different type of flavor and amount, each have their respective prices. To loyal beloved customer, price doesn't really matter; it's the quality that counts in our heart XD . Unfortunately in Brunei, the flavor available are limited; most common are chocolate and vanilla. in some stores, Mr.Softy stand could be found as well and if you're lucky, you could even find the Strawberry flavor ice cream.

would you look at that... so.. enticing. the almost melting surfaces, gleaming in it's cool glory. How could someone ever refuse such treats?? it's impossible! sigh... Anyhow, this is the Cone Ice Cream, for those who like to enjoy the combination of cool sweet creamy ice cream and the crunchiness of the cone, this is perfect! the price for each ice cream cone used to be BND$1.50 but in the past year, it was raised to BND$2.00. some may say it's quite pricey for an ice cream that would be gone after 10 minutes you bought it, but to many local fans of Mr.Softy here in Brunei Darussalam, it's fairly acceptable. just keep the quality at their best, and we'll keep buying :)

next.. the infamous Mr.Softy Cup Ice Cream. it's very convenient for those who are slowpokes at eating ice cream or those who like to take small bites to savor the taste because if it melts, it won't go anywhere but in the cup XD similarly to Mr.Softy Cone Ice Cream, the price was also raised from BND$2.00 to $2.50 per cup. 

personally, i prefer the full chocolate flavor, but many are fans of the mix vanilla-chocolate flavor or full vanilla flavor. whichever it is, it can be said that we love Mr.Softy. As long as they continue to serve us with quality and affordable ice cream, we will continue to support the product of Mr.Softy and hopefully, more flavors can be made available to us here, in Brunei.


Ice Cream around the World!

for so long, the one food that has the power to pull everyone together, regardless of age, race, countries, time and everything else, is Ice Cream. the very color and flavor and type of ice cream speaks of one thing and one thing only: Joy! well who wouldn't get happy when eating ice cream? even those who took ice cream for binge eating turns to it because it brings them if not a little their bellies. but really, it makes everyone happy! especially children! wow, if you bring a flock of kids to say an... amusement park, or a fair, and they see an ice cream booth, you will face another type of... worry. you can either buy them one, or carry them away, as far away from the ice cream booth. nevertheless, it is fun to watch parents' deals with the children's craving for ice cream sometimes. but these are besides the point. the point is, Ice Cream is everywhere and it makes people happy! if people really want it, doesn't matter if there's a long queue ahead of them, they will be willing to wait to get their hands on their favorite ice cream.

Ice Cream stand in America-L.D.BASSETT.Inc

one of many ice cream corner in China's shopping malls.

A very simple yet appealing Ice Cream corner in Japan.

wow.... look at the queue! so many people waiting in front of the famous Ice Cream shop in Paris: Berthillon.

awww~~ look at those little colorful popsicles. Molly's Pops in Korea sells these amazing flavorful ice cream.

*sniffs* now i want one... hmm...where should i get it? what flavor?? is there any special place in Brunei that sells special kind of ice cream? i wonder....