I remember when my family was busy managing my first and second brother's wedding back in 2006, also the Family Day that we hosted at my house back in 2008 and 2010, where in these occasion, my family had bought these... old school, paper wrapped, and unique fruity flavored ice cream and everyone loved it.

The wrapping itself was very unique because often, we see ice cream in modern packaging and tubes and so on but the one we bought had many good local flavors and it comes in moderate size. Since then, whenever we have cravings for cheap and delicious traditional ice cream, we went to this special store called 'Ais-Krim Tempatan', managed by Hj Kalong Enterprise.


The store is located at the Beribi Industrial Area, next to the BINA building, and right across the road from the Sekolah Ugama Beribi Telanai. The last time i went to buy one of my favorite newly-found ice cream combo that my friend created (Bubblegum flavor XD), i had the chance to have a little chat with one of the senior worker and asked about the store and it's awesome ice cream collections. 

at first, i wanted to ask if i could speak to the store manager about the store but the worker (the chinese man) said the manager was rarely there and they are usually in charge to handle the store in his absence. so i thought.. well.. that's not really a problem for me :) i still am curious about the little,colorful and delicious treats. He told me that the store has been up and running for years, and since the opening day, many people have come to buy different types of ice creams from the store. the reasons are mainly because they sold very cheap ice creams, the quantity varies accordingly with the type and the price of the ice cream, and also he mentioned that many come to buy dozens of ice creams for functions and family gathering. i personally would go here to buy ice cream because it's cheap and it's delicious :)

he went on to generally describe each type of ice creams that are for sales and their prices...

this is 'ais-krim tangkai'. The proper western name is Bar Ice Cream. It comes in many flavors such as chocolate, corn, durian, red bean and many more. prices for each is 20 cents. Considerably cheap for a very tasty treat :)

this is 'ais-krim cawan'. similarly, there are also many available flavors; vanilla, strawberry, bandung, jagung, durian, coffee, pandan and many more. each cup cost 60 cents.

 My personal favorite is Pandan+Strawberry, which will give me Bubblegum flavor. It's very nice especially for those who have sweet tooth ^^,

These are 'ais-krim tube'. You'll find that many people who likes to buy dozens of ice cream for functions will choose this kind of packaging because it's very convenient and the sealed tube is perfect to keep the ice-cream from flowing everywhere in the storage: and if it melts, you can simply put the tubes back in the freezer :). each tube cost 30 cents.

this is another type of 'ais-krim potong' but it is in a smaller portion. each cost 20 cents.

'Espong' is one of the local traditional type of ice cream. Anyone can easily make this at home as well because the recipe is very simple. in the picture above, the flavors are manisan, orange, and banana flavor. each 'Espong' cost 20 cents.

'Ais-Krim Kilo' basically means Ice Cream that are packaged in Kilo and sold per Kilo. Each package cost BND$3.50. People would usually prefer this when they want to serve ice cream using cone; they can scoop the ice cream themselves.

ahhh~ this is the one that i mentioned earlier. The wrapped ice cream. My parents once told me that this kind of ice cream was so popular back when they were still children because it was cheap and the packaging is cheap as well; paper. Each cost 30 cents. I personally would not suggest children or toddlers eating this kind of ice cream because it could get messy XD 

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