
I want to eat Ice Cream Sandwich XD

Ice Cream sandwich is basically... a sandwich. made of some layer of waffles and with the ice cream being sandwiched between the layers. it comes in many forms and types and brand. Nestle offers many varieties of Ice Cream sandwich, most commonly one is the Vanilla Sandwich.

I don't really like vanilla because sometimes the flavor could get too overwhelming for me and i usually would get bad reaction from eating vanilla ice cream (headaches and dizziness.. not sure why though. am i allergic to vanilla????). But, we can also make our own Ice Cream Sandwich at home. it's very easy, just take any kinds of waffle layers that you like, even Oreo is good, and then just scoop some of your favorite ice cream on one of the layer and squish it in the middle with the other layer. Vwallah! you have yourself an ice cream sandwich! XD

tadaaaaa~~~ looks good doesn't it?? well, go make some if you want it!

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